Massage Therapies

Massage is perhaps the oldest of all healing treatments, going back thousands of years and across cultures worldwide. It is also one of the most natural ways of healing and treating the body. Massage helps reduce tension, improving circulation and flexibility. It also eliminates soreness and shortens recuperation time. Whether you are looking for relief from tired, achy muscles or just want some relaxation, a MAC Massage with one of our licensed massage therapists will help you take care of YOU today! We have a variety of massage styles available and will tailor your massage to fit individual needs. 

Please contact the Concierge at 517-364-8800 for more information or to schedule a session.

Body Treatments


A gentle full body massage with low to moderate pressure that relieves muscular tension, increases circulation, improves the immune system, and promotes a general sense of relaxation. Slow and rhythmic Swedish strokes are used to help remedy muscular stress. Relaxation is not intended to treat injuries, or other discomfort, instead to bring the body back to a balanced state. This is a wonderful modality for stress relief.


A targeted full body massage with firm to deep pressure that focuses on healing and discomfort. This massage incorporates many modalities and may include glided cupping, soft tissue manipulation, stretching, muscle stripping, etc. Therapeutic massage is a great choice for soreness, knots, and tension.

30 Minute Focused Massage

A 30-minute Focused Massage is a therapeutic massage tailored to address one problematic area of the body. This treatment is beneficial for many conditions such as low back pain, shoulder tension, injury recovery, neck pain, headaches, and many more. A 30-minute focused massage is great when you are having issues with specific muscle groups and do not need a full-body massage.


Body Treatments: 60 min. / 90 min.

  • Relaxation Massage: $70/$110
  • Therapeutic Massage: $80/$120

Other options

  • 30 min. Focused Massage: $50


**Please know there is a $20 upcharge for Non-MAC Members.