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Patient Satisfaction Surveys

How You Help Us Improve

Because we rely on honest feedback to make sure we are delivering on our promise of excellent health care, you may be contacted by a third party, Press Ganey, to complete a satisfaction survey.

  • University of Michigan Health-Sparrow has partnered with Press Ganey to survey patients. Here’s what you need to know if you are contacted: If you receive an email from Press Ganey, the email address will be from [email protected].
  • If you receive an online text or email from Press Ganey, the invitation will include a link for you to complete the survey electronically using a smartphone, tablet or computer.
  • If you receive a text invitation, you can click on the link provided and you will be directed to the online survey. You do not respond to survey questions within the text itself.
  • UM Health-Sparrow will provide Press Ganey with basic information, such as your name, date of birth, phone number and email address (when available), and the date and location of service. No other personal details or information about your medical status or treatment will be provided. After the survey is completed, Press Ganey will destroy the patient lists they receive from UM Health-Sparrow.
  • Your responses will be shared with us for the purpose of improving the quality of patient care.

How Does University of Michigan Health-Sparrow Protect Patient Information?

  • The information we will use and share with Press Ganey is called “Protected Health Information.” It is protected by a federal law called the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). According to HIPAA regulation section § 164.506 (c)(1): “A covered entity may use or disclose protected health information for its own treatment, payment, or health care operations.” This quality project is part of our health care operations.
  • According to HIPAA regulation section § 164.502 (e)(1)(i): “A covered entity may disclose protected health information to a business associate and may allow a business associate to create or receive protected health information on its behalf, if the covered entity obtains satisfactory assurance that the business associate will appropriately safeguard the information.” UM Health-Sparrow works closely with Press Ganey to ensure legal agreements and safeguards are in place to properly secure your data. 
  • All patient survey responses are stored on a password protected server. Patient names are not displayed and comments that contain personal, identifiable information are not published.
  • If you have any questions or concerns related to patient privacy, please visit our Notice of Privacy Practices.

Why Didn't I Receive a Survey for a Provider Visit?

There could be several reasons you did not receive a survey for a recent visit:

  • UM Health-Sparrow does not have the correct phone number and/or email address to reach you. You can confirm your information during registration.
  • The visit may be one that is excluded.
  • Only a certain number of surveys are sent out each month.
  • You previously unsubscribed from Press Ganey survey invitations.
  • If a patient is under age 18, the survey is sent to the patient’s parents/guardians.

Share Your Feedback

Thank you for choosing UM Health-Sparrow for your care. We are committed to providing the highest quality experience for every patient, because we believe that exceptional care changes lives. Your feedback plays a vital role in helping us deliver on this commitment. By taking a few minutes to complete a brief survey, you will help us understand what we are doing well and where we can improve. Your insights directly contribute to enhancing care for you, your family, friends, neighbors and our community.

At UM Health-Sparrow, we know that listening to our patients helps us deliver care that truly makes a difference. Thank you for your time, trust and partnership in helping us improve lives through better care.

If you did not receive a survey, you can provide feedback by contacting the Office of Patient Experience online at [email protected].

Patient & Family Advisors

Additionally, former patients, family members and other members of the community are invited to participate as Patient and Family Advisors with Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) at UM Health-Sparrow locations. PFAC volunteers provide input and feedback on UM Health-Sparrow operations, aligning our services with Patient and Family centered care. For more information on PFACs and the advisory roles, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].

Patient and Family Advisor Volunteer Application Form