
Pharmacy Plus FAQ

How do I order a refill for my prescription?

Prescription refills may be ordered in several ways:

  • If a refill is to be ordered from the same pharmacy that you originally filled it at, you may call the phone number listed on the prescription bottle and follow the voice prompts, OR
  • You may refill a prescription by scanning the QR code printed on your prescription bottle with your smartphone, OR
  • You can drop off your empty prescription vial, in person, at the pharmacy.
What forms of payment are accepted?

Cash, check and most types of credit cards are acceptable. Proof of identification will be necessary for payments other than cash.

Can I have my prescription delivered?

Most prescriptions can be delivered within the mid-Michigan region. Payment must be received at the time of delivery and the patient or their designated representative must be available to sign for the receipt of the delivery.

How do I transfer a prescription to another pharmacy?

To transfer a prescription, call the pharmacy that you would like to transfer the prescription to and give them the number of the prescription you would like transferred. That pharmacy will call us and we will transfer the prescription to the other pharmacy by phone. Some controlled substance prescriptions cannot be transferred. Talk to your pharmacist for specific information.

Can I transfer a prescription from another pharmacy to a UM Health-Sparrow pharmacy?

All UM Health-Sparrow retail pharmacies are linked electronically. Prescriptions filled originally at one pharmacy can be filled at any other UM Health-Sparrow retail pharmacy, including Pharmacy Plus pharmacies and the UM Health-Sparrow in-hospital pharmacy on UM Health-Sparrow’s first floor. There are certain limitations on refilling controlled substance prescriptions, so please check with your pharmacy for details.

How long will it take to fill my prescription?

Most prescriptions can be filled within 15 minutes if there are no complications. Compounded prescriptions will take longer. Expired or prescriptions with no refills will need a doctor’s authorization and a phone call to refill and will take longer. Please check with your pharmacist for specific information for your prescription order.

How do I get my medication refilled? Do I have to see my doctor?

Under normal circumstances, a simple call to your doctor will suffice. You as the patient may call, or you may ask our pharmacy team to call for you. In some cases, your physician will require you to personally call or visit them to update your condition before renewing your prescription.

Can a friend pick up my prescription?

If someone other than a family member is picking up a prescription for you, please call the pharmacy and advise them that you have given that person permission to pick up your prescription and sign for it. HIPAA regulations require that prescriptions be picked up by the person the prescription is written for or their designee.

Can my doctor call in a prescription?

Most prescriptions may be called in or e-prescribed by your doctor. There are certain exceptions. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist for details.

How soon can I get a refill?

Your medication supply should last a specific number of days based on the type of prescription and the dosage. If you need to refill your prescription early and have a valid reason for doing so, our pharmacists can usually take care of that situation.

Insurance Questions

How much is my co-pay?

If you have prescription insurance, your co-pay will depend on your insurance plan. Please consult your health insurance human resources documents or call your insurance company or human resources department for details.

Do you accept my insurance?

Pharmacy Plus accepts MOST area insurance plans. In the event of special circumstances, we usually can arrange coverage with a few simple phone calls.

Does my insurance cover this medication?

As is the case with co-pays, insurance plans will vary on what drugs they cover. Please consult your health insurance human resources documents or call your insurance company or human resources department for details.