Published: March 24, 2017
LANSING, MI – Sunday, March 26, is the day to break out your purple as a way to bring light to epilepsy awareness and educate the public on the neurological disorder that affects 65 million people worldwide.
Purple Day is designed to bring attention to a disorder that often makes people uncomfortable.
Although there is no cure for epilepsy, Sparrow is dedicated to achieving the correct diagnosis and providing the best care available.
Sparrow is a leader in epilepsy care thanks to its Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, the first and only of its kind in the mid-Michigan region. The equipment uses state-of-the-art technology to evaluate, diagnose and treat seizures in Patients of all ages.
Led by a comprehensive team of board-certified professionals, Patients are monitored around-the-clock through video and brain monitoring, giving hope for one-third of epilepsy Patients who do not respond to traditional treatment methods.
By monitoring brain waves, Physicians can pinpoint areas of the brain where seizures start. That allows them to adjust Patient medication or seek surgical solutions.
Choose Wisely. Choose Sparrow.