Published: Oct. 9, 2015
Sparrow Carson Hospital is seeking donations of food and cash as part of the annual Michigan Harvest Gathering campaign, which runs through Nov. 5.
Nonperishable food items and cash donations will be collected from Caregivers, the region and volunteers to help needy individuals in the communities surrounding Sparrow Carson Hospital.
Each year, one in 10 people in Michigan rely on the food bank network for emergency food assistance. For more than a decade, Sparrow Carson Hospital has participated with the Michigan Health & Hospital Association (MHA) and the Michigan Association of Healthcare Advocates (MAHA) in their primary sponsorship of this statewide food- and fund-raising campaign. The program is designed to use contributions within the communities where items are donated.
The best items to donate include commercially canned fruits, vegetables and soup; canned meals such as spaghetti, ravioli and beef stew; tuna and canned meats; peanut butter; baby food and infant formula; unopened dry foods such as cereal, dry beans, boxed mixes; and personal hygiene and paper products, including disposable diapers.
Please avoid home-canned or perishable items such as bread or fresh fruit, or items out of date.
Bins are now placed throughout Sparrow Carson Hospital and its clinic locations to collect donations of nonperishable grocery and food items through Nov. 5, the public may drop off donations at the following locations:
Sparrow Medical Group Carson, 102 S. Third Street, Suite 100, Carson City
Sparrow Medical Group Fowler, 11017 W. 3rdStreet, Fowler
Sparrow Medical Group Greenville, 1014 E. Washington Street, Greenville
Sparrow Medical Group Lyons, 505 E. Bridge Street, Lyons
Sparrow Medical Group Pediatrics Carson City, 245 S. Second Street, Carson City
Sparrow Medical Group Stanton, 545 N. State Street, Stanton
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