Published: May 23, 2016
For the third year in a row, the Sparrow Medical Group’s Volunteers of America clinic will participate in the Capital Area Stand Down for Homeless Veterans on Wednesday, June 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Adado Riverfront Park in Lansing.
Sparrow Caregivers, working at a table set up in a tent, will perform blood pressure checks, distribute kits containing basic needs like hand sanitizer and bandages, and perform general outreach.
“We have a special relationship with the VOA; our Caregivers are very passionate about the homeless population,” said Daniel Fox, Supervisor of the SMG/VOA Practice. “We enjoy being at the Stand Down. It’s a perfect opportunity for us to make contact with people and let them know how they can utilize our services.”
Sparrow’s VOA Clinic serves the local homeless and near-homeless population - both veterans and non-veterans - at its offices on North Larch Street. It provides all the medical services that a conventional Doctor’s office would provide to clients registered with the VOA.
A staff of seven Caregivers, including a Physician and a Physician’s Assistant, handle about 4,800 visits to the clinic in a typical year, performing medical evaluations, writing prescriptions, ordering lab tests and making referrals to specialists.
Praising Sparrow’s participation in Stand Down, VOA Vice President Patrick Patterson said, “Sparrow is the Physician to the homeless; I don’t know anybody who can say that.”
Sparrow will be one of 59 agencies and vendors at the 13th annual Stand Down, where veterans can take advantage of free services such as haircuts, employment counseling, legal help, dental check-ups, clothing and housing assistance.
“They’ll find everything from health care to chicken on the grill in a carnival-like atmosphere,” Patterson said.
“Service to others is central to what we do at Sparrow,” Fox added. “We’re grateful to be involved in the Stand Down and give back to the community.”
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