Sparrow Cancer Center raises awareness of biopharmaceuticals

Published: Oct. 22, 2013

Harsha Trivedi PhD, R.N., Clinical Trials Specialist and her team presented information on Sparrow Cancer Center's clinical trials during the event. Her team included (left) Kierstyn Hibner, Clinical Research Assistant, Vicki Gilreath R.N., O.C.N., Clinical Trials Nurse, and Sam Hejabian, Clinical Research Assistant.

The Sparrow Cancer Center participated in Biopharmaceutical Vendor Day at the Capitol today to raise awareness of the role of biopharmaceuticals in Patients' lives.

Biopharmaceutical research companies use biotechnology to develop hundreds of medicines and vaccines, and clinical trials are used to test these medications before they can be approved as treatments for diseases and conditions.

The Sparrow Cancer Center has one of the largest clinical trial programs in the state. Sparrow Patients are currently taking part in more than 20 clinical trials dedicated to treating all types of cancer, including trials held in collaboration with biopharmaceutical research companies.

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