Fox47 Passes it Forward to Sparrow Children's Center

Published: Oct. 7, 2013

Much thanks to the kind folks at FOX 47 TV who dropped off baskets of toys, books, DVDS and other goodies for the Sparrow Children's Center playroom Sunday.

The donations from station staff were part of "Pass It Forward," a wonderful local event similar to "Pay it Forward" in which community members take a day to spread kindness and recognize hundreds of volunteers, often by surprise. The event is sponsored by ePIFanyNow, a local organization committed to doing good.

FOX 47 staffers and their children donated the toys to a very grateful Sparrow Child Life Specialist Kelly Hebert, who said, "This is like Christmas." Everything was collected in just a couple days, said Dona Kromer, who organized the donations for FOX 47.

Station leaders decided to benefit the Sparrow Children's Center in part because it resonated so well with their young offspring, she said.

"We wanted something that would connect with the kids. Every one of them were born here. We all have these connections to Sparrow."

Izabella Mitchell, 6, of Mason, had a special surprise for Patients and Caregivers at the Sparrow Children's Center Sunday when she serenaded them with her violin. Thanks Izabella for brightening up a sleepy Sunday!