Six Tips to Stay Health This Summer

6 Tips to Stay Healthy This Summer

Both our physical and mental health are largely connected. That’s why taking care of your body and mind is so important. Here are six things to remember this summer that will help you, and your family, be at your best: 

  1. Stay hydrated. Aim to drink more than the recommended eight glasses per day. Getting creative may help add flavor but keep your beverage low in calories. Try fresh or frozen fruit and fresh herbs in your water, such as cucumber or citrus slices, frozen berries or mint leaves. Fruits and vegetables that are high in water content such as watermelon or tomatoes are great options that make any summer meal healthier. 
  2. Move your body! Warmer temperatures can make exercise more challenging during the summer months. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity per week. Try exercising in the morning before the sun is at its peak. You can also find other ways to ‘exercise’ whether it’s throwing a ball with a family member or child, gardening, listening to a podcast on an evening walk or setting an alarm to remember to get up and move amid your workday. 
  3. Get your rest. Routines often vary when summer hits. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Simple things like keeping your bedroom cool and dark may help make sleep more comfortable. Physical activity throughout your day can also aid in better sleep. 
  4. Wear sunscreen & Insect repellent. The CDC recommends a minimum of SPF 15 for sun protection. Whether you’re simply running errands or set to be under the sun for long periods of time doing yard work, be sure to lather up or find alternatives such as shade or wide-brimmed hats. Using insect repellent and wearing long-sleeved shirts or pants is also helpful to prevent mosquito and tick bites. TIP: Apply your sunscreen before you apply insect repellent and reapply sunscreen after two hours as well as after swimming, sweating or toweling off.
  5. Spend quality time. We live in a fast-paced world, so spending quality time – with family and friends or by yourself – is vital to recharging. Be intentional this summer by surrounding yourself with people and things you love. Plan some summer fun with others or make plans to try a new restaurant you’ve always wanted to. Remember, it doesn’t need to be expensive! Simply being intentional with our time allows us to be more present and focused on what we’re doing.

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